Goldwire Heights Community

Titusville, Alabama

Extreme Panel Technologies and Navigate Affordable Housing have joined forces to create Goldwire Heights, a sustainable community in Birmingham, Alabama. This collaborative effort focuses on revitalizing the North Titusville neighborhood through innovative housing solutions.

Navigate Community, driven by the mission to enhance the housing industry, is spearheading the project’s education, economy, urban development, sustainability, and housing sectors. Extreme Panels, known for their energy efficiency and durability, were utilized for constructing homes, enabling the rapid completion of two houses within four days.

Goldwire Heights exemplifies the power of partnership in sustainable community development. By investing in this project, we are creating a brighter future for residents and transforming neighborhoods. Together, we are making a positive impact with Extreme Panels at the core of this transformative endeavor.

Project Partners

Rising to new heights

Goldwire heights Unveiled

Behind-the-scenes sneak peek into the future of sustainable living at Goldwire Heights. 

Watch the timelapse of two 1200 sq ft houses erected in 4 days.

Witness the Swift Progress of Extreme Panels with Perry Penske on Day 1 at Goldwire Heights

P. Allen Smith, owner of Extreme Panel Technologies, on day 2 at Goldwire Heights.

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