Julkowski Senior Living Cottage
St. Cloud, MN
The building will be used a sustainable, high-performance assisted living residence for senior citizens in central MN.
The builders are fans of SIP-technology and wanted to support a local manufacturer in Extreme Panel Technologies. As this is an assisted living residence for senior citizens, SIPs were chosen as the building method to ensure structural integrity, indoor air quality, and energy-efficiency for end-users.
Julkowski Inc.
CertificationsDOE Zero Energy Ready Home, ENERGY STAR Certified, EPA Indoor AirPLUS
AwardsSIPA’s 2023 Building Excellence Awards: HP Winner
Any additional comments on the project:The builders are fans of SIP-technology and wanted to support a local manufacturer in Extreme Panel Technologies. As this is an assisted living residence for senior citizens, SIPs were chosen as the building method to ensure structural integrity, indoor air quality, and energy-efficiency for end-users.
Did SIPs help save time, labor, construction costs, or energy?Using SIPs helped the builder achieve optimal energy-efficiency and comfort of future residents. They were also able to save on time, labor, and money due to the constructibility of SIPs and the off-site manufacturing process.
Describe any innovative design elements or structural engineering involved:A shallow depth foundation was used to help cut down on excavation costs and labor time. We utilized the peak of the hallway for a catwalk to install mechanicals to each of the senior’s bedrooms. This created a clean look and efficient runs throughout the structure. SIP roof panels allow for vaulted ceilings in the bedrooms which creates a spacious feel. Spanning the main living space with the SIP roof allows for a wide open floor plan with no posts hindering accessibility.
Blower Door Test Results:ACH 50 of .83
HVAC System UsedWe utilized radiant in-floor heat and mini splits for the heating and cooling of this structure. Due to the air-tight quality of SIPs, residents are more comfortable and are able to control the temperature in each of their individual rooms while enjoying a higher level of indoor air quality. The mini splits create a negative pressure system, allowing residents to remain comfortably in their own room in case of sickness.
"Continuous insulation and air-tight quality of SIPs created an energy-efficient, quiet project that enables electrification and decarbonization with less effort. This allowed the builder to save on time and associated labor costs without compromising structural integrity. The construction costs as well as the energy savings were massive. There was also notably less onsite waste and environmental contamination."
Aaron SmithEnergy & Environmental Building Alliance, EEBA